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Spring Photo Contest

Let's keep our playgrounds open and safe! Adding a Play Healthy Hand Sanitizer station is a quick, easy and affordable way to protect the community while creating a healthy space for kids to explore, play and socialize.

With schools still offering remote learning sessions, playgrounds have become an integral space for the community to provide an area for children to develop their motor, cognitive and social skills while also engaging their sensory systems (vestibular, visual, tactile and proprioception).

We are excited to announce the launch of our spring photo contest where we will be giving away 2 hand sanitizer stations (appx. value of $500 per station).

To enter the contest, get a picture of your Rocky Mountain Recreation / Landscape Structures built playground and post it on Instagram or Facebook

1) Register your playground

2) Post a photo online with your most creative caption (see below)

3) Use the hashtag #wecomebacktoplay and tag @rockymtnrec

Multiple entries are encouraged! The more entries, the better chance of getting that winning picture! Not sure if your playground is a LSI playground, then check out our interactive playground map to find a nearby playground.

We are accepting photos for this contest posted through April 16th, 2021. Winners will be announced on April 22nd.

Caption: Your photo will be awarded up to 10 points based on how closely it aligns with the message, We Come Back to Play.

At Rocky Mountain Recreation, we have been creating innovative play spaces since 1994 throughout Colorado. Join us in this fun contest as we continue this mission to build playground and interactive water play spaces to promote healthy physical and mental development for kids of all ages and abilities.

All entries submitted using #wecomebacktoplay and @rockymtnrec agree to Rocky Mountain Rec's Terms of Use.






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