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Fall Photo Contest - We Come Back to Play

Updated: Oct 18, 2021

Rocky Mountain Recreation, Inc and Slides & Sunshine have teamed up for a festive fall photo contest to encourage kids to get outside and play!!

What brings you out to the playground? With shorter days and cooler afternoons, we could all use a little extra motivation to make time for play this fall season. In collaboration with Slides and Sunshine, we're hosting a fun photo contest inspired by the #wecombacktoplay video below. So order up that pumpkin spiced latte and join us at the playground.

Multiple entries are encouraged and we're accepting entries through the end of November. Each entry will put your name into a drawing for a chance to win one of six amazing prizes including a Denver Zoo Family Membership, WOW Museum Family Membership, Downtown Denver Aquarium Exhibit Giftcard and Amazon Giftcards!

Contest Rules

1) Follow both @rockymtnrec and @slidesandsunshine on Instagram

2) Post a photo at a qualifying playground with #wecomebacktoplay and with caption about why you “come back to play"

3) Geotag your park name (such as @pacosanchez)

4) Tag both @slidesandsunshine and @rockymtnrec

Qualifying playgrounds include play equipment by Landscape Structures. Visit our interactive map to locate a playground near you or look for the Landscape Structures logo to easily identify a playground by Rocky Mountain Recreation, Inc.

At Rocky Mountain Recreation, we have been creating innovative play spaces since 1994 throughout Colorado. Join us in this fun contest as we continue this mission to build playground and interactive water play spaces to promote healthy physical and mental development for kids of all ages and abilities.

Don't forget to make your IG account public so we can find you. This contest is not sponsored by Instagram. All entries submitted using #wecomebacktoplay and @rockymtnrec agree to Rocky Mountain Rec's Terms of Use.






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